Stockbridge Primary School

There are 124 children in our school.

How many children are in your school?

Outside we have got:

a field, a playground, a poly tunnel, a chicken pen, a wildlife area, a Wendy house, a train station, a netball court, woods, a huff and puff shed and outside equipment.

Do you have any of these or anything else?

We go on lots of school trips, we went to Marwell Zoo, Year 6 go to wales, Year 5 go to Calshot and Year 4 go to Tile barn.

Where have you been on a school trip?

By  Bethany, Arabella, Alexandria, Sam, Luke, Christian, Jack, Maxx, Martha and Miss T

2 thoughts on “Stockbridge Primary School

  1. We have about 420 children in our school

    Outside we have a field, a playground, a sand pit, a mini park, a wooden hut, outdoors equipment, a climbing frame and 2 woodland areas.

    Some of our school trips have included a outdoor education camp at porthpean, Delaware and Roseland. We have a year 6 trip to London.

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