100wc The Monster by Tilly

Slowly I walked across the creaking floorboards, as I looked around for more trails of blood I heard a sound. I was in an old mansion it was cold and lonely, as people stomped around it day after day.Gradually in the distance I could see a cupboard door on its side beacause it was so old. I creaked my way towards it.I stood there….I got closer….I opened the cupboard door.Inside there was a colossal monster! He was munching away on his prey as I went in to explore. Loudly the monster gobbled up the last few drops of blood.I made out that he was the gobble monster.

One thought on “100wc The Monster by Tilly

  1. Hi Tilly, I love your story! Your use of descriptive language and short sentences really create suspense for the reader. The use of the word “colossal” in describing the monster is fantastic. Well done.

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