100wc by Holly The magic forest.

                                                    The magic forest

As I slowly opened my eyes I saw three mice scuttle across my bedroom floor I followed them. They took me down to cellar where it was dark damp and terribly smelly as I rubbed my eyes the room began to glow purple it looked like a purple tornado. I walked in it and took me to a spooky forest there in front of me was the most magical castle the strangest thing was there were talking mice it looked like a mouse wonderland with cheese fountains and everything a mouse could ever dream for. The forest seemed as alive as the day I watched Alice in the wonderland.

3 thoughts on “100wc by Holly The magic forest.

  1. Holly,
    I really enjoyed this 100WC. It was detailed, descriptive, and flowed very well to make me feel like I was in the story with you. The story line was imaginative and well-written, just be careful of typos before sending.
    Emily, Team100

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